25'000 Days of building The Sprezzatura Company

Day 24'860

Leave no gaps between what you do and what needs to be done.

Day 24'860

Leave no gaps between what you do and what needs to be done.

Day 24’861

This time, I make it personal.

Day 24’861

This time, I make it personal.

Day 24’862

The Sprezzatura Company. Enabling better consumption choices. Pogressing without handing over our freedoms to the government.

Day 24’862

The Sprezzatura Company. Enabling better consumption choices. Pogressing without handing over our freedoms to the government.

Day 24’863

We romanticise the past because we have forgotten about the non-essentials that bother us in the present.

Day 24’863

We romanticise the past because we have forgotten about the non-essentials that bother us in the present.

Day 24'864

“A brand = a product’s qualities + consumers’ conversations about said qualities + passage of time.” (James Richardson in "Ramping Your Brand") 

Day 24'864

“A brand = a product’s qualities + consumers’ conversations about said qualities + passage of time.” (James Richardson in "Ramping Your Brand") 

Day 24’865

“More companies die from indigestion than starvation.” (Verne Harnish in “Scaling Up”)

Day 24’865

“More companies die from indigestion than starvation.” (Verne Harnish in “Scaling Up”)