25'000 Days of building The Sprezzatura Company

Day 24’957

„Nothing“ is often the right thing to do and always the right thing to say. 

Day 24’957

„Nothing“ is often the right thing to do and always the right thing to say. 

Day 24'958

Twenty years ago, the internet was an escape from the real world. Now, it's the other way around.

Day 24'958

Twenty years ago, the internet was an escape from the real world. Now, it's the other way around.

Day 24'959

Doing the wrong thing well makes it worse. Pick wisely.

Day 24'959

Doing the wrong thing well makes it worse. Pick wisely.

Day 24’960

Gelesen in Berlin an der Mauer einer Wurstverarbeitungsfabrik: „Qualität darf kein Zufall sein.“ EN: On the wall of a sausage processing factory in Berlin: "Quality must not be a coincidence".

Day 24’960

Gelesen in Berlin an der Mauer einer Wurstverarbeitungsfabrik: „Qualität darf kein Zufall sein.“ EN: On the wall of a sausage processing factory in Berlin: "Quality must not be a coincidence".

Day 24'961

Motivation doesn’t matter, action does. Let the mission pull you.

Day 24'961

Motivation doesn’t matter, action does. Let the mission pull you.

Day 24'962

Act in minutes, dream in decades.

Day 24'962

Act in minutes, dream in decades.